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Showing posts from January, 2010

Leaving Fair Havens

Acts 27: 8 We moved along the coast with difficulty and came to a place called Fair Havens, near the town of Lasea 9 Much time had been lost, and sailing had already become dangerous because by now it was after the Fast.So Paul warned them, 10“Men, I can see that our voyage is going to be disastrous and bring great loss to ship and cargo, and to our own lives also.” 11 But the centurion, instead of listening to what Paul said, followed the advice of the pilot and of the owner of the ship. 12Since the harbor was unsuitable to winter in, the majority decided that we should sail on, hoping to reach Phoenix and winter there.( NIV) The place where God warned them was called Fair Havens. God would have them spend the winter in Fair Havens. It was not God’s intention that they should lose everything in life, or suffer loss. Paul was the representative of God. The centurion represented the Government/the military. The Captain represented the economic/business side of the country. Paul represe...

Family Identity

Leaning down to peer at my face the man at the other postal window asked me, “Are you a Simpson?” “Yes,” I answered not recognizing to whom I was speaking. “Oh my,” he continued,”I knew your sister Joy.” After exchanging a few more pleasantries I realized this man indeed did know my family members, I just didn’t know him. He knew I lived in Seattle, Washington over the past three decades. In parting I said.” Well. I guess I’ve been marked as a Simpson.” “Indeed, he continued,” Your father stamped his imprint on all of you.” Reflecting on this brief encounter I thought how could this man, a stranger to me, in a city of over 1.9 million people identify me as a Simpson by just my features? He did say that I looked just like my sisters. Isn’t this what Christ told His disciples when they asked Him to show them the Father? He replied if you have seen Me, You have seen the Father. What if I, who names the name of Christ, had the same goal? What if I emulated Christ and followed God’s Word ...

Beauty Should Be More than Skin Deep

The old adage states that beauty is only skin deep. Well lasting beauty is really unfading. It has to do with the state of one’s spirit. I’ve actually met people who by industry standards would not necessarily be called physically attractive. In fact the Bible makes it very clear that Jesus would not have made the cover of GQ. The Bible states there was no beauty that we should desire Him. In other words people walked by Him and took no notice. He was not an Absalom, a handsome but vain man, who had women standing around while he got his haircut and weighed once a year. No, Christ’s attractiveness was that of His spirit. We know from the story of Esther that there are many beautiful people in various countries and of various races. Even with six months of oil and six months of perfumed baths if the inner person is not beautified with a gentle and quiet spirit the person is not very useful to God. Inner beauty is cultivated by keeping a humble spirit, being prudent and holding back the...

Fountain of Youth

I was taught in school that the explorer Juan Ponce de Leon sailed around the world looking for the Fountain of Youth. Over the years I always thought of what a facetious reason for a dangerous journey. For me it ranked right up there with the Greek fables and other folk tales. I read stories about the quest for youth from other cultures too. The fact is Juan Ponce de Leon could have found the Fountain of Youth without ever leaving his country. The Fountain of Youth/life does indeed exist. Only one person has it. You simply must read it in Psalm 36:9 "For with you is the fountain of life." God has the fountain with Him. When you find God you find eternal life. No need for a ship, plane or car. It is as close as the nearest prayer.

Our Faithful Pilot

“Fasten your seat belts and make sure that your seat backs are in the upright position,” announced the flight attendant. Obediently I did so. I’ve been flying as a passenger for forty four years. I could give the announcement. I’ve always felt a little apprehensive about take off and landings. It seems to me that most accidents happened during these two phases of the flight. I sensed the descending plane as I sat with my eyes closed. I opened just in time to see that we should almost set down on the ground. The wing flaps usually opened wide to slow the plane down on touchdown. However I heard the great engines rev up, not down. We started on a steep climb. I looked out the window We were climbing straight up, and up. I’ve had enough experience to know that something was drastically wrong. Did the landing gear not come down? Unlikely I thought since we were almost touched down. I waited for the pilot’s voice. I was sure he would have some type of announcement. After we had leveled o...