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Showing posts from March, 2011

Just Ask!

Ugh, oh my, this is too heavy for me as I tried to lift the bag laden with cans and other groceries. Spying one of my sons I asked him to come and take the bag into the house. He came and effortlessly lifted the bag as if it weighed a mere feather. What was too heavy for me was as nothing to him. In reflecting on this I thought isn’t this like Christ. The hard things in life He takes and carries for us if we ask Him to do so. To the Creator of heaven and earth our cares are light weight. We struggle and rant and rave not because Christ will not carry our burdens, but because we just don’t call to Him for help.

The Lines Are Swaying

When I was a little girl our family lived in a house right on the trolley line with the tracks running directly in front of the door. There was an tall black sturdy iron pole that stood in front of our house. The house shook when the trolleys turned into the trolley barn which stood adjacent to our property line. We were so close that I could almost jump from the trolley to our front steps. I learned that I could tell when a trolley was coming by putting my ear to the pole. There would be a sound sort of like listening to a conch sea shell, indescribable but a perceptible change. Later I learned to look at the wires overhead. Before I could see the trolley I would see the wires start to sway a little bit. Through many observations I learned it was fact. I'd look up the street and several blocks away the trolley would soon appear. The green and yellow trolleys would turn the corner coming to its daily resting place. Now I'm an adult. I've learned that the word of God has so...