In the morning when I’m going out I try to look a little better. I don’t know if it really helps but it makes me feel better. I have a very quick routine of less than three minutes. I put on a face cream, a little foundational makeup powder and eyebrow pencil. I use my specially designed makeup brush and apply my product. One day I was cleaning my bathroom wiping off everything. I looked at the light fixture and it also needed cleaning. I dampened a cloth and started to clean the glass fixture and also the light bulb. I saw something. The glass was coated with the same color as my makeup foundation. As I had been putting on makeup day after day small particles that I could not see were floating around resting on the light and the edges of pictures in the bathroom. Now it did not happen all of a sudden. It was gradual thing. There was the evidence on the cloth This morning as I read the following verse it all came together. “Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cle...