Oscar mania has seized the media outlets. Actors, actresses, producers and directors will be waiting breathlessly to see who captures a coveted golden statuette. I think most people like to be recognized for outstanding and positive achievements God knows His children like awards too. Therefore He has provided some awards for His children in this lifetime. I’ve counted up ten crowns that a child of God can have in this life time. Six of these crowns are for everyone and four are optional crowns. The six crowns for everyone are 1. Crown of Loving kindness Psalm 103:4 2. Crown of glory and honor Psalm 8:5 3. Crown of Salvation Psalm 149:4 4. Crown of knowledge Psalm 14:18 5. Crown of Glory Proverbs 4:9 6. Crown of Blessings Proverbs 10:6 The four optional crowns are: 1. Gray hair is a crown Proverbs 16:31 2. Grandchildren are a crown Proverbs 16:6 3. A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband Proverbs 12:4 4. The wealth of the wise is a crown Proverbs 14:24 Go ahea...