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Showing posts from May, 2013

One Person Can Make a Difference

It is 7:06 am on an early fall Sunday morning. The sun has not risen and though light is visible no vegetation has dressed in their colors for the day. Nature’s palette is muted in shades of gray and black. There are thousands of people living around the peaceful Lake Washington which spans at this point from Mercer Island to Seattle. My house sits about a quarter mile above the lake. I relish the solitude as the Cascade Mountains begin to peer at me through my window. Quiet and serene the undisturbed mantle of the water bursts with a roar. One lone person in one loud and noisy motorboat shatters the morning’s stillness forcing those in its’ vicinity to stumble from their slumber in an undignified exit from their dreams.

The Best Benefit Plan

One of the benefits that provided by my employer is health insurance. Once a year they allows us to change our insurance provider from among several different companies. We are given a list that compares what each company provides, and the co-pays. Mostly every plan has a co-pay. Hospitalizations can costs thousands of which some plans pay 100% and others only 80%. I was thinking of Psalms 103. It reminds us to remember the benefits God gives us. In God’s plan there are no co-pays. Jesus paid it all. God’s plan is not just a health plan it is a life plan. God forgives our sins, heals our diseases, gives a wardrobe and provides our attorney’s fees. Now if only I could get my employer to do the same.