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Ants, God's Little Educators

From time to time I'll start reading something that starts to fascinate me. This time it was ants. They are in just about every corner of the earth, but we barely take tme to notice them. They are industrious creatures that don't care if you notice them. They just keep going about their duties living out their lives with purpose. I'd ;like to sgare with you the lessons I've learned form God's little instructors. Ten Lessons from the Ants Interesting the Scripture states that the ants are not just wise they are extremely wise. 1. Ants look at the job they have to do and keep busy. They start early on the monumental task of storing food for the winter. Start early on big tasks and keep at it. 2. In the summer ants are preparing for the winter. In times of abundance don’t neglect preparing for the future. 3. Ants build a storehouse of food even though they may not be the ones who will eat it because their life expectancy is only 45 to 60 days. Prepare for future g...
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