When my late husband Winston died he left some unfinished projects. One was finishing our deck. I decided to go ahead with Winston’s plan for glass panes with the railings. Finally the day came when the contractor finished the project. The deck and the glass panes with the white railings were absolutely beautiful. These panes allow one to have an unimpeded view of the lake and the mountains when sitting or standing. They were so clear. In Seattle the mornings in the early spring are rather dull and the sun is usually hidden behind the clouds. Later the sun rises earlier and earlier. I happened to be up one morning when the sun made its brilliant appearance. I looked through the big picture windows towards the lake. Suddenly I saw what I couldn’t see before. The brilliant sunlight revealed every hand print of the workmen who installed the glass panes in the railings. The mrks were as clear as day. It was amazing that which could not be seen before were now as obvious as the proverbia...