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Go Backs

In the grocery stores some time you see carts that are filled with merchandise near the check out stands. Or sometimes you see clerks pushing these carts up and down the aisle. They look like reverse shoppers- putting things back not picking them up.

These things are called go backs. People got to the check-out stand and for whatever reason they did not want the item. They either plainly changed their mind, the cost was too great, the item wasn't needed, it was a spur of the moment decision or some other reason. Nevertheless they don't purchase the product. That's fair. If you don't want to pay for it you can't have it. However the store owners want to have some profit. The owners have their employees put the items back on the shelf.

How like the Christian life, some see it and want it. They are Oprhahs as in the book of Ruth. She went with Naomi and Ruth for a while. However when Naomi started the questioning process of real commitment Oprhah counts the cost. Naomi told her she had a better chance of remarriage in her familiar surroundings. She told her daughters-in-law that they may have peace with their old friends and family and a husband. Naomi told them that she was grieved at her circumstances and she had no hope of providing anything for them. Oprhah decided the price was too great. So she went back. She left with a parting kiss. No animosity she decided to forsake the fellowship and future of the unknown for the more familiar.

Where are you on the journey? Have you started? Is God questioning you. Is He asking do you really want to go? Is the Holy Spirit showing you the stripped down version of life? Are you at the stage where you say, Lord I don't care where you take me. I don't care what the circumstances of life you bring to me. I don't care if I never find a husband. I don't care if being with you requires a long difficult journey without a horse or a donkey. I don't care if I don't know the people where I am going. I don't care if its a tent, or a cottage or a palace. I'm willing to be with you. Wherever you go. I just want to be with you. Whoever you live with, I just want to be with you. Whatever way you say to worship, I just want to be with you. Are you saying yes? I may face death where I'm going. If worse comes to worse I'll be buried where ever you are buried. Nothing is going to stop me from going with you so please don't ask me anymore.

Ruth became like a terrorist. When one becomes like a terrorist at heart, truly committed to the cause it's dangerous. They act, and believe that they have absolutely nothing to lose. They've sacrificed the rational and natural to fight governments that are millions of times more powerful than they are. However they don't care. Ruth had that kind of faith. I'm going. Don't try and talk me out of it. I'm going.

Why? With you I have fellowship. I'm not going with you for what you can give me. I don't know if you will give me anything. As far as I know there is no gold at the end of this rainbow. In fact I don't see a rainbow. There will be a grave at some point. It really does not matter. Where I am there will be a grave too. As far as I know there may be a drudge job waiting for me. As far as I know I have to work from sun up to sun down. As far as I know I may be disrespected. As far as I know the people may not accept me. As far as I know I may face physical hardship. I don't care. I want to be with you. That's all I know, that's all I need to know is that we will live in fellowship. Ruth desire was fellowship with Naomi and her God. It did not matter about the cost. She found the pearl of great price.

I think God tries us and ask us if we want to go back. I think at some point our commitment is tested. Maybe it's the refining process. I don't know. Whatever it is I don't want to be in that cart of go backs. I don't want to be placed on the shelf again.


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