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Keeping Short Accounts

Junk Drawer

Opening the bread bag I simultaneously pulled opened the junk drawer. Unthinkingly I tossed the bag twist in it. One of these days I’m going to clean out that drawer. That drawer the home of things I can’t categorize, but when I need odds and ends I go to it. It’s filled with items of dubious worth.

As I worked I started to wonder. Does my heart have a junk drawer or maybe even a junk room? Have I put miscellaneous hurts and grievances in it? I keep it closed around friends and family. However, privately, I rummage through it from time to time.

Am I keeping scraps of resentments, jealousies, roots of bitterness or little insults I received in it? I’m careful to not let it be on show, nevertheless the “stuff’ is in there.

Right then and there I gave up the right to keep my junk drawer. Dear God, please clean out this area of my life. Let me instantly forgive and keep my heart clean from secret sins and grievances.


  1. I love this Tricia. You are really gifted and this is a perfect forum!!


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